Carmex + Lebron

The Carmex Shoe

A simple branded integration program between Carmex and Lebron James that created an internet sensation.

Lebron James + Carmex


We had a limited marketing budget at Carmex, but big hopes and dreams. Lebron James was a big fan of Carmex, using it during his warm ups to get ready for each game. While we didn’t have the money to sponsor Lebron as an athlete, we were able to sponsor his new digital website and social media platforms – long before “influencer” marketing became mainstream.  Our only challenge was producing content that would be on-brand for Lebron and on-brand for Carmex.


When Nike launched their online shoe customization tool, we realized we had marketing gold on our hands.  One of our account managers spent a few minutes on the website and for $225.00 we had a pair of Carmex Branded shoes – that just so happened to be in Lebron’s size.  We sent them over to the locker room via his management team, and the rest set the internet on fire.




(Just to start)