

1024 576 Michael Kraabel

Wrote, Produced, and Directed a series of TV spots for the Minneapolis Area Association of Realtors.

When it comes to finding the perfect home, REALTORS act as matchmakers, helping guide you through the process and giving helpful advice along the way to steer you away from the ones that “just aren’t the one.”

The collaborative relationship helped us produce an amazing creative concept that is designed to appeal not only to first-time home buyers, but also every generation ahead of them.  Special thanks goes to Studio 2 Cafe and Wine bar in South Minneapolis for allowing us to film in their beautiful location and didn’t mind our continuous announcements of “quiet on the set.”

Stratasys Medical

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Developed a comprehensive marketing program for Stratasys to showcase their work across the medical field.


Stratasys faces the significant challenge of showcasing its pioneering use of 3D printing and additive manufacturing in the medical field. The key difficulty lies in effectively communicating the complex and technical nature of their innovations to a diverse audience, including medical professionals, healthcare institutions, investors, and the general public. Stratasys needs to demonstrate the practical benefits and applications of their technology, such as patient-specific models and surgical tools, while distinguishing themselves in a competitive and rapidly evolving market.


To address these challenges, Stratasys can implement a multi-faceted strategy. Developing engaging case studies and success stories will illustrate the real-world impact of their technology in medicine, making the information more relatable and accessible. Hosting webinars and workshops with medical experts can further elucidate the benefits and future potential of 3D printing in healthcare. Embracing digital marketing, especially through social media, using visual and interactive content, can simplify complex concepts and reach a broader audience. Collaborations with medical institutions for joint research projects, and highlighting these endeavors through various media channels, will not only showcase Stratasys’ technology but also reinforce their position as a leader in integrating advanced 3D printing technology with medical science.

Minneapolis Glass

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Behind the scenes at Minneapolis Glass—a local glass fabricator with a large footprint.


Marketing for Minneapolis Glass, a family-owned regional glass fabricator, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. As a local business with deep roots in the community, Minneapolis Glass has a story that resonates with family values, craftsmanship, and personalized service. However, the challenge lies in effectively conveying the quality and uniqueness of their glass products to a broader audience.


Glass fabrication is a highly specialized field, and the beauty and functionality of custom glasswork might not be immediately apparent to the average consumer. The marketing strategy needs to not only highlight the superior quality and craftsmanship of their glass products but also to showcase the practical and aesthetic enhancements they bring to homes and businesses. Additionally, there’s a need to communicate the benefits of supporting a local, family-owned business in a market often dominated by larger, impersonal corporations. This requires a creative approach that combines storytelling with visual impact, making the intangible attributes of skill, tradition, and community connection tangible to the target audience.

Smart Sense

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Developed a comprehensive marketing campaign to highlight the importance of protecting your home’s gas appliances.  A simple device can save you from a dangerous situation.


Crafting a marketing strategy for a small connector fitting that attaches to a gas line, especially one that is typically concealed behind appliances, poses a unique challenge. This connector, although small and often out of sight, plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of household appliances. The primary difficulty lies in highlighting its significance in a way that resonates with consumers who rarely see or think about this component.


We needed to emphasize the connector’s reliability, durability, and crucial role in maintaining a safe home environment. This required innovative approaches that visually and conceptually brought this hidden but essential component to the forefront of consumer consciousness.  We burned down a house to show what happens when you don’t have this little device.

360 Degree House Fire Experience.

Digital Lead Generation Flow

Pace Labs

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Had the absolute pleasure to work with one of the most important unknown companies in the world to develop a comprehensive brand platform.


Inspired to Protect

Inspired to the leave the environment, your health and your business better than we found it.


Pace Analytical, also known as Pace Labs, is a company specializing in environmental and life sciences testing services. They provide a wide range of analytical testing services to support environmental investigations focused on air, water, soil, waste, and other matrices. Pace Analytical is known for its state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with advanced technology and staffed by experienced scientists and technicians.


Pace Analytical challenged me to develop a comprehensive brand platform that would unify their service and present a clear and concise message to the marketplace. This was designed to Build Trust and Credibility, Connect with Clients on a Deeper Levels, Enhance Employee Engagement and Pride, Facilitate Clear and Consistent Messaging, and Support Long-Term Growth and Adaptability.

Importance of Brand Foundation

Differentiation in a Competitive Market: The environmental and analytical testing industry is highly competitive. A strong brand story helps Pace Labs stand out by highlighting its unique strengths, expertise, and the value it offers to clients. This differentiation is key to attracting and retaining customers.

Building Trust and Credibility: In an industry where accuracy and reliability are paramount, a cohesive brand story can establish Pace Labs as a trustworthy and credible choice. It reassures clients that they are working with experts committed to quality and precision.

Connecting with Clients on a Deeper Level: A compelling brand story goes beyond just marketing products or services; it connects emotionally with clients. By communicating its mission, vision, and values, Pace Labs can foster a deeper connection with its audience, which is essential for long-term customer relationships.


Enhancing Employee Engagement and Pride: A well-articulated brand story can also boost internal morale and engagement. Employees who understand and align with the company’s purpose are more motivated and take pride in their work, leading to better performance and employee retention.

Facilitating Clear and Consistent Messaging: With a cohesive brand story, all marketing and communication efforts become more streamlined and consistent. This clarity ensures that every piece of communication reinforces the company’s core message, making marketing efforts more effective.

The Importance of Safe

Inspired to Protect

Inspired to the leave the environment, your health and your business better than we found it.


Data is truth and truth is powerful. Sound science is more important now than ever.


Results you can trust. Committed to our values and yours.


Always learning and improving. Never losing our values.


Working together with trust and transparency.

Environmental Science

Protecting the environment

Life Science

Protecting your health

Scientific Professional Services

Protecting your business

Carmex Half-Court Academy

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I developed the concept for the Carmex Half-Court Academy film series to be used in coordination with a social media partnership with Lebron James.


It was less than a challenge, but more of an opportunity.  As part of our sponsorship with and his social media properties, we were allowed a certain number of posts and promotions each year.  As we were winding down a Half-Court Hero Online Sweepstakes, we need some extra ammunition to promote the contest. It was weeks away from the end, going into the holiday season when we got the challenge.


I quickly write up a script treatment for a multi-part Half-Court Academy Training Series that could be promoted on and his social media properties. We had a rough outline of a script and dialog, but got approval to run with the idea.  We rented out a local university gym and converted it to the set of our Half-Court Academy.  It was Christmas Even when we were filming, so the 18 hour day was a little exhausting.  We even passed on “wrap beers” that day.

Behind The Scenes

Stratasys Anthem

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Wrote, Directed, and Edited a new anthem spot to introduce the newly launched Stratasys brand to the world.

The 3D Printing Solutions Company


Stratasys, the leader in 3D printing and additive manufacturing, had recently undergone a significant global rebranding to unify its diverse divisions. This pivotal moment calls for a compelling narrative that reflects our new, cohesive identity and resonates with our market. The company needed to craft a story that captures the spirit of Stratasys’ transformation, showcasing the innovation and connecting with their audience as they embarked on this new chapter.


In addressing Stratasys’ global rebranding, we developed a script that intricately wove together the unique stories of each division, illustrating their collaborative efforts in advancing the industry and fostering innovation. This script was brought to life through an anthem video, crafted from diverse footage gathered during the brand anthropology and Distil workshop sessions. This approach successfully showcased the unified strength of Stratasys’ divisions, creating a compelling and inspiring narrative that resonated deeply with our audience and solidified Stratasys’ position as a leader in the 3D printing and additive manufacturing industry.


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Directed a series of branded spots to highlight the value of hiring a REALTOR to help you with your home transaction.

Kerr Dental

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Kerr Dental was looking for a campaign to celebrate their 125 year anniversary. This project was designed to reach out to the dental industry and engage them on a more personal level.


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After extensive research and a global rebranding project, I was commissioned to develop a brand anthem to help introduce the newly combined company to the world.

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